This page is for prospective members wishing to join WASI for the first time!
It can also be used to make purchases or to make donations to WASI.

Please Join Us!

Joining is easy. It’s a two-step process:

Step 1: First complete your entry in our WASI Membership Database and press Submit.

Step 2: For Adult/Family Memberships, please make an online payment of $25.00 [$5.00 Youth Membership for those under 18]. If you are creating a youth Membership, please email the Webmaster with your date of birth so we know when to “Promote” you to adult status on your 18th birthday!

WASI Annual Dues

Or print this form and mail it with a check of $25.00 made out to WASI to the address on the form.

Already a member?

No form to fill out–just click the PayPal button above and a record of your payment will be sent to the club Treasurer. Please email the webmaster if you have any changes you’d like to make to your contact information–new address or phone number–you don’t have to wait until annual renewal to update your contact info with us. You can email us any time!